
  • At LumenCeler Group, we understand that recruitment is the backbone of a successful company. More than 80% of our business is repeat business! We take great pride in our team of experienced recruiters, each of whom has over 6+ years of recruiting experience. Our recruiters are experts in their field and have a deep understanding of the recruitment process. They are dedicated to finding the best candidates for your organization, no matter how big or small. We use the best tech in the industry, but one of the things that really sets us apart from other recruitment firms is our commitment to an in-depth understanding of our candidates, rather than relying on blind resume sends. We believe that this approach is essential in order to find the best match between the candidate and the company. By interviewing candidates directly, understanding their previous roles and really assessing their wants and needs, our recruiters are able to get a better sense of their qualifications, skills, and assess their fit with the company culture.

    In addition to our experienced recruiters, we also use state-of-the-art software to streamline the recruitment process. Our proprietary software is designed to make the process as efficient and effective as possible. It allows us to quickly sift through resumes and identify the most qualified candidates. It also enables us to keep track of the recruitment process, from the initial application to the final offer, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. Recruiters are vital for large organizations and startups alike. For large organizations, recruiters help to ensure that the best talent is brought on board, and that the recruitment process is efficient and cost-effective. For startups, recruiters play an even more crucial role, as they are often responsible for building the company's workforce from scratch. In both cases, recruiters are responsible for the success of the company and its ability to grow and thrive.

    At LumenCeler Group, we understand the importance of recruiters and the role they play in the success of a company. Whether you're a large organization or a startup, our recruiters are here to help you find the talent you need to succeed.

  • Using a third-party recruiting firm such as ours can provide a number of benefits for your company. It can provide access to a wider pool of qualified candidates, expertise in recruiting methods, and the ability to save time and resources. Our firm-LumenCeler Group- can also provide valuable insights into the job market and help your company stay competitive in terms of compensation and benefits.

    Additionally, we can help your company with compliance and legal issues, and employee onboarding and retention depending on your specific preferences. Working with us allows you to focus on running your business while we focus on finding the best talent for your company. Furthermore, our recruiters at LumenCeler Group can help you with diversity and inclusion recruiting efforts, which can be beneficial for companies looking to build a diverse and inclusive workforce. The right recruiting partner can also help you with employer branding and communication, so that you can attract the best candidates that align with your company values.

    Contact us today for a free consultation call! We look forward to assisting you with your hiring needs.

  • When it comes to recruitment, many companies turn to large firms to handle their hiring needs. However, while these firms may offer a wide range of services, they often fall short when it comes to delivering the same level of quality as a smaller, specialized third-party firm.

    One of the main reasons for this is that larger recruitment firms tend to prioritize volume over quality. They may have a high volume of clients and candidates, but this can lead to a lack of personalization and attention to detail in their approach. As a result, the needs of individual clients and candidates may be overlooked, leading to poor matches and high turnover rates.

    Smaller third-party firms, on the other hand, are able to provide a more personalized and tailored service. They tend to have fewer clients and candidates, which allows them to take the time to understand the specific needs of each individual. This results in a more effective recruitment process, with higher quality matches and better retention rates.

    Another advantage of smaller third-party firms is that they often specialize in specific industries or niches. This allows them to have a deep understanding of the unique requirements of these industries and the specific skills and qualifications that are needed. This level of expertise can result in a much more effective recruitment process, as the firm is better able to identify the best candidates for the job.

    Moreover, smaller firms are more agile and can adapt to the changing needs of their clients and the market. They also tend to invest more in technology and software which can help them to work more efficiently and effectively.

    In conclusion, while larger recruitment firms may offer a wide range of services, they often fall short when it comes to providing the same level of quality as a smaller, specialized third-party firm. Smaller firms are able to provide a more personalized and tailored service, with a deeper understanding of specific industries and niches. They also tend to be more agile, efficient and invested in technology which helps them to deliver better results for their clients

  • Conducting remote interviews has become increasingly common in today's job market. To conduct an effective remote interview, it is important to have a reliable internet connection and a quiet and professional environment. It is also important to establish clear communication and expectations with the candidate beforehand. This includes providing clear instructions on how to access the remote interview, what software will be used, and what type of questions will be asked. During the interview, be sure to ask both technical and behavioral-based questions and allow the candidate adequate time to answer.

    Additionally, consider using video conferencing software to establish a personal connection and to observe nonverbal cues.

    At LumenCeler Group we’re here to assist you in conducting effective remote interviews by providing you with all the necessary tools and software to conduct a smooth interview process. We can also help you with the preparation of the interview by providing you with a set of standard questions and helping you evaluate the candidate's performance. Additionally, we can provide training for your team on how to conduct effective remote interviews and how to observe nonverbal cues. Regardless of your interview process, we’re here to help make it as smooth as possible.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the recruiting process. AI can be used to automate repetitive tasks, such as resume screening, and to identify top candidates based on specific qualifications and skills. AI can also be used to analyze candidate data and provide valuable insights into candidate fit and potential. Additionally, AI can be used to assist in conducting virtual interviews and to improve candidate communication and engagement. However, it's important to note that AI should be used as a tool to assist in the recruiting process, and not to replace human judgement and decision making.

    At LumenCeler Group, we can help you in incorporating AI technology in your recruitment process. We can help you in identifying the best software and tools available in the market, and providing you with training and support on how to use them effectively during your recruitment process and ensuring that it is used ethically and with a human touch.

  • Company culture refers to the values, beliefs, and practices that shape the way an organization operates. A positive company culture is crucial for retaining top employees. When employees feel valued and included, they are more likely to be engaged and satisfied with their work.

    Additionally, a positive company culture can lead to improved employee performance, increased productivity, and lower turnover rates. However, creating and maintaining a positive company culture takes time and effort.

    LumenCeler Group can help you in creating a positive company culture by providing you with guidance and support on how to define and communicate your company values, beliefs, and practices. We can also help you in creating an inclusive and engaging work environment, and identifying and retaining top employees who align with your company culture based off of confidential employee feedback and taking a deeper look at understanding respected turnover rates.

    Additionally, our team at LumenCeler Group can provide you with support on how to maintain and improve your company culture over time. Contact us today to find out more or to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call.

  • The gig economy refers to the growing trend of people working freelance or temporary jobs, as opposed to traditional full-time employment. The gig economy has seen a massive boom post the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, it has led to an increased focus on skills and qualifications, as opposed to traditional employment history. The gig economy has also led to an increased use of online platforms to connect employers and gig workers. However, it also poses some challenges, such as lack of job security and benefits for gig workers.

    Our team at LumenCeler Group can help you in leveraging the gig economy to your advantage. We can help you in identifying and recruiting top gig workers, and providing them with the necessary support and benefits. Additionally, we can help you in creating a flexible and agile recruitment process that can adapt to the changing needs of the gig economy. We can also help you in managing the legal and compliance issues that arise when working with gig workers regardless of your hiring style-contract to hire or direct hire.

  • Soft skills refer to personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Soft skills are becoming increasingly important in today's job market. This is because the best technical skills can be learned, but soft skills are more difficult to acquire. Soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication are in high demand in today's job market. At LumenCeler Group we conduct thorough preliminary interviews with all candidates to make sure they’re the right fit for your particular role.

    We realize that soft skills are becoming increasingly important as companies shift towards a more collaborative and teamwork-based approach to work. However, identifying and assessing soft skills can be a challenge.

    LumenCeler Group can help you in identifying and assessing soft skills in candidates. We can provide you with guidance and support on how to ask the right questions and evaluate candidate's soft skills. To find out more, contact one of our experienced LumenCeler Group team members today.

  • Our team at LumenCeler Group understands that social media has become an increasingly important tool in the recruiting process. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook provide recruiters with access to a wide pool of potential candidates. Social media also allows LumenCeler Group recruiters to research candidates, view their professional profiles and qualifications, and connect with them directly. We are one of the few recruitment who has extensive experience with social media recruitment tools. Every team member at LumenCeler Group has gone through focused social media B2B training which can be used as a tool for employer branding, allowing companies to promote their culture and values to potential candidates.

    However, it's important to note that recruiting through social media can also pose some challenges such as lack of privacy and security.

    Our recruiting firm- LumenCeler Group- can help you navigate the complexities of recruiting through social media. We can help you identify the most relevant social media platforms for your recruitment needs and provide you with guidance and support on how to use them effectively.

    Additionally, we can help you in creating an effective social media recruitment strategy, and connecting with potential candidates through our vast network. We can also assist you in creating and maintaining a strong employer brand on social media, which can attract top talent.

    Our experienced LumenCeler Group recruiters can provide you with guidance and support on how to comply with the legal and ethical aspects of recruiting through social media. Our team is well-versed in the best practices and we can guide you through the process to ensure that you are able to attract the best talent in the market. For a free consultation, contact us today! We’re excited to partner with you on fulfilling your open positions.

  • Interviewing is an essential step in the recruitment process, and it's critical to prepare well to make a good impression and increase your chances of getting hired. Here are some of our favorite tips from our recruiters at LumenCeler Group!

    Firstly, research the company you are interviewing with and the role you are applying for. Familiarize yourself with the company's mission, values, and culture, as well as the specific responsibilities and requirements of the role. This will demonstrate to the interviewer that you have a genuine interest in the company and the position. Additionally, be sure to review the job description and requirements carefully to understand what the interviewer will be looking for in a candidate. Secondly, practice common interview questions with a friend or family member. Rehearsing your responses will help you feel more confident and reduce the chances of becoming tongue-tied during the actual interview. You can also prepare answers to questions about your strengths, weaknesses, and why you want to work for the company. Remember to keep your answers concise and to the point, and avoid using filler words like "um" or "like".

    Finally, make sure to dress professionally, arrive on time, and bring extra copies of your resume to the interview. Lastly, it's crucial to reflect on your experiences and achievements, and think about how you can use them to demonstrate your skills and qualifications for the role. This can help you answer behavioral questions effectively, as you'll have real-life examples to draw from.

    Consider also reviewing your resume and cover letter to make sure they accurately reflect your skills and experiences. In conclusion, preparing well for an interview is essential to increase your chances of getting hired. By researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and reflecting on your experiences, you'll be able to put your best foot forward and make a great impression on the interviewer. Good luck!

    Need more tips? Contact one of our experienced recruiters at LumenCeler Group today!